Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hi, from Carolyn

Jodie has questions. Here are my answers!

What are your Favorite Colors? I love bright rainbow colors. (You should see what's on my needles now - it's a hand-dyed called "Circus!") Most of my knitting is for the very young people in my life. When I look for yarn, I ask, "Is it fun?"

Do you prefer Solid or Multi Colored Yarns? Multi-colored, for the "fun" factor.

What fibers do you prefer? Any Allergies? I haven't met a fiber that I don't like! And no allergies, thank goodness.

What do you enjoy knitting the most? (socks, mittens, sweaters, etc.) All of the above. Except, I'm having a bit of an issue with my mittens lately. I have about 14 little mittens that still need thumbs. I resolve to declare a "Thumb-Day" and do them all!

What are your favorite yarns? I'm enjoying some yarn from Etsy and
One Planet. I like Pancake and Lulu, and Feltstudio UK. But I like just about everything.

What do you enjoy doing outside of knitting? I love living in Eugene and I love the outdoors. I also like drawing, watercolor painting, and reading. Currently I am reading books about America in Iraq, and throwing them against the wall after almost every chapter. There will be a large hole in my wall soon.

Favorite foods or candies? Oh goodness, I like everything. Honest.

Art or Music you enjoy? I like rock, jazz, blues, folk, and classical. I like oldies...I mean, really, 15th-century oldies! I like drawing and painting flowers and landscapes.

What inspires you? I'm inspired by people who cope with difficult challenges every day. I'm interested in people who find a way to go on, even when they are sick or in pain, and people who can find a way to help others.

Anything else you want to share? Thank you, Jodie, for putting this swap together!