Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Let's take a look...

I wanted to post earlier, but sadly, my computer fell ill last night. (Guess I forgot to feed the elves inside.) We're up and running again today, so we're ready for our close-up, Mr. DeMille!

Approximate dimensions as follows:
Center black garter-stitch strip: 4" x 45" (4 cm x 115 cm); Penny's lovely log cabin rectangle, also garter stitch, 7 1/2" x 13" (19 cm x 33 cm); Abehappy's green/gold square, 10 1/2" x 9" (27 cm x 23 cm); Fyberduck's black/green garter-stitch stripes, 10 1/2" x 12" (27 cm x 32 cm). At its widest part, it is now about 21 inches (about 55 cm). The cat wants to sit on it...Shoo!

There's lots of room to grow, here. On close inspection, I discern that there is not enough red in this blanket. Also...not enough bobbles.

My task is clear.


Penny said...

ooh!!! texture and more colour! I'm excited to see what you add. :) I was pretty boring in my addition.

Penny said...

and i still think my rectangle is anything BUT lovely. mea culpa. *blush*

Anonymous said...

Nice! I can't wait to see what you add.