Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Additional Comments

Hi fellow knitters. Um, the previous entry was ghost written by my 14-year-old son, Thomas. He was helping me post pictures and playing around with me, saying "see, mom, I can totally do your writing style" Then to my horror he clicked on post!

So the pictures are out of order. The first is the section I knitted. Second is an action shot of the blankie being cuddled by Thomas and Ian, who's my nephew and the brightest spot in my day. Third, if I remember right, is the blanket as it is now, headed to Taylor. Fourth is the blanket as it arrived with the goodies that Kim sent along to me. Yay, STR downpour colorway! The Cooking Man in one of the shots is my husband. Love to see that man in the kitchen!

About my knitting... I used Clickheaton Country 8 ply superwash. Lovely sproingly woolly wool. It isn't as soft as the wools you all have been using, and my original swatch was a little firm-ish for the blankie. So I went up a needle size to make it a little more drapey. The double moss stitch that I chose still looks OK, but really looked great in the tighter fabric. There is a scarf in one of the new knitting mags with alternating double moss stitch and garter that was my inspiration.

Blankie is finally on to Taylor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just wondering where the blankie is, and is it finished yet?